Sunday 24 April 2011


One of the biggest reasons women do not exercise is lack of motivation. Motivation can be described as "something (a need or desire) that drives or causes a person to act. I am reading Willie Jolley's book "It only takes a minute to change your life". In it he explains there are 3 parts to motivation: first is to get you to dream, second to get you to believe in your heart, third is to do something, go after your dreams. He states that you just have to dream, then you can achieve it, if you can dream it, you can do it.

So instead of thinking " I could never be like that, or look like that, or do that". Believe, then just start and you will astonish yourself. If losing 25kgs is your dream, then start by going for a walk 3/times a week and cutting back your sugary treats to twice a week. Just do it, no one else will do it for you. If walking is not your thing, find smething you enjoy, perhaps a dance class, swimming, touch football, anything to get you moving and off that couch.
Start by setting small goals for example "to do all 3 cardio sessions this week", then once you accomplish that small goal make another and then another until you have reached your long term goals. Along the way you will feel fantastic about achieving the smaller ones, you wont even notice that the long term one was so far away and now so close!!!
Remeber it takses about 2 weeks to form a habit, so stick to your healthy eating and exercise for 2 weeks and you will be supprised how much easier it is from then on. SO GET MOVING

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