Sunday, 20 November 2011

Heating up

Hello everbody,

It is really starting to heat up!!!! Perfect for the beach. But some of you may say "no way i am not going to be seen in a bikini or without my shirt"- (for the males)
Weel how bout we change that? Instead of over eating over the christmas holidays like everyone around us will be, why dont we do the opposite. Let's not use the holidays as an excuse to overendulge. If we do, we are only going to feel worse, guilty and bloated and our vision of sitting on a beach, on a hot day wearing only a bikini and looking fab will very quickly diminish. On another note, let's not wait till the new year to make a resolution. We all know that resoultions NEVER work. Start NOW and make a promise, (not a resolution) to yourself to become a much healthier version of yourself so you have more energy, less headaches and sicknesses and can fit into that dress you have wanted to fit into for years. All you need in CONSISTENCY! If you stick to your exercise and clean eating for long enough, not only will it become a habit but you will get amazing results. Consistency means exercising at least 3 times a week and eating clean 80% of the time, not exercisingt to the point of exhaustion and then not exercising again for 2 more weeks. Your sessions do not have to be extremely hard, you just have to do them. Plus It really wont take long to see some results. You really just need to ask yourself, "How bad do you want it"? If you want it bad enough, you WILL make it happen!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed! Consistency is the key! That's why I hate getting sick. Feel like I'm back to square one! Jx
